Many jurisdictions never have an official need for flood insurance, but anyone living near a river, creek, higher elevation lake or dam, or even coastal areas should think twice. Flood damage is extremely disconcerting because, unlike other types of events, it can continue for months. Flood waters don't necessarily drain right away after the event has occurred. The water can stay put for weeks until it drains or dries out. And that moisture continues to cause damage through rot, mold generation, and spoliation of the general structure. Further, with the water often turns in to mud, which gets into everything like liquid cement. In many cases, anything below the flood level is pretty much destroyed and has to be replaced.
Typical homeowners insurance does not account for flood damage. In many cases such policies specifically exclude flood or water-born damage to a property. Homeowners as well as businesses need to strongly consider whether there is a sufficient risk in their area that a stand-alone policy could address. And remember, one doesn't need to be on a river's edge or beach to be flooded. Flood waters can happen from coastal surges, downhill mudslides and flashfloods during rains, and even man-made flood damage such as a municipal system failing. A good flood insurance policy could address this issues instead of realizing the damage the hard way.
To understand better how a comprehensive flood insurance policy can complement protection for a home or business, folks should make contact with Hogans Agency Inc. Our experience and knowledge of the property insurance market is invaluable in terms of finding the right flood insurance policy for a given situation. Don't risk another winter or seasonal swell without at least first having had a discussion with one of our agents at Hogans Agency, Inc. It could be the different in saving a home versus losing it entirely.
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